Committee News - We have identified an issue re Membership Fees and Standing Orders.
Date Posted: 19th April 2013 at 16:11 pm

We have identified an issue re Membership Fees and Standing Orders. 

As you are  aware we raised our fees for payment by Standing Order from £10 to £20 last year and whilst many are being received for the revised amount we received 50 plus incorrect payments in March.  In the last issue of Newsprint we reminded all Members of the increase in the Subs and the revised method by which they should be paid.  You will need details of our bank account and your unique SP number to do this and if you have lost them please contact me at the membership address in the contact details page

Please can you all check the details your banks hold and act accordingly ASAP in terms of both this and future years.

David Groom

Membership Secretary