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Number of penalty turns

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 5:17 pm
by Corky the Cat
Please could someone clarify the number of turns, following a rule infringement.

I understand that it is a 360 degree turn for Sprints and 720 for everyone else. Is this so?

And in the case of a handicap race, how many turns should a Sprint do?

With thanks. And HNY!


Re: Number of penalty turns

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 5:34 pm
by Mark Aldridge
Depends on the SI wording..

Re: Number of penalty turns

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:49 pm
by Jenny Ball
The RYA Rules of Racing specify a penalty turn of two racks and two gybes for all vessels in the case of a rule infringement - regardless of being a cat or a monohull. However, most if not all cat classes amend this in the sailing instructions for their events to one tack and one gybe. Our sailing instructions for our club racing at Marconi also specify a change to the RRS so cats only have to do one tack/one gybe - monohulls are required to do the two. This applies even for club races where cats and monohulls are racing together on a handicap basis in the same race. We have long taken the view that the speed at which a monohull can do their turns vs cats makes this an equitable arrangement. I imagine other clubs might do the same.

So, as Mark says, it will depend what the sailing instructions say about penalty turns for whichever race or event you were taking part in. If they don’t specify an amendment for cats, then RRS would apply - namely two tacks and two gybes.

Re: Number of penalty turns

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 9:24 pm
by Corky the Cat
Thank you, Jenny. Your comprehensive reply is very helpful.